
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017

Dixie Dixit: New Trends with Technology-Gamification: What, Why, and How

Dixie Dixit: New Trends with Technology-Gamification: What, Why, and How (Part 3)

Unit 1. Foundations of Methodology

Foundations of Methodology What is the method or an approach to language teaching? The author this book mentioned and applied linguistics to distinguish the terms, they are approach, method, and techniques as they apply to language Teaching.  First an Approach reflects a theoretical model or Research Paradigm. Approach use philosophy of how people learn in General. They can be psychologically focused such as  behaviorism or cognitivist, so they can  also be based on older philosophic such as Idealism and Realism, next Second Method step by step manner how to teach a second foreign Language, examples of methods are  the Silent Way, Communicative Language Learning, and Suggestopedia. A Method is more specific than a Technique.  Technique is Specific classroom Activity; that  represents the most specific and concrete of the three Concepts. Example: Dictation, Listening and repeat drills, and read the passage and fill in the blacks. Finally to according by Antony, the ever-growing

The history of Development of Competency Based Education.

The history of Development of Competency Based Education. The three most important in competency Based, Education are Period time, pedagogics, and modern of development of competency. First dated to between mid-1960s and early 1970s may be terminated as a terminological one, the concept is Professional competence, and education all things have similarity however some educational aspects of the competency based approach, linguistic origin of competency theory. This happened in the foreign language learning, it is historically considered as firs preceptor of the competency based in orientation. The second stage of the development of competency basic pedagogics,                                                                   the  Russian research as N Kusmina an L. Petrouskaya, they were saying the theory should be considered within the integral Psychological and Social Context, the Competency is not just a consequence of Posteriorization of formal Knowledge. Finally the third st

What is competency-based education?

working with competence in the ESL/EFL clasroom

summarize I am thinking about this topic. Teaching a second language implies a series of detailed process with are focused in Communicative Approach, this refers students are learn at their own experiences in daily life or cultural social values. BASIC DEFITION OF COMPETENCE Students are development the knowledge speakers have of their language; communicative skill is complete with linguistic allowing students to interact not only in the classroom but also in the daily life activies of the second Language, for example: house, job, hobbies. Competence vs Performance What is the ideal strategy that use teacher by students prepared in class with Performance Task Daily Life.so Benjamin Bloom developed classification following the following Levels:  Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Finally the Students development all skills and Technique in learn process so acquired in competence.