
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017


The most important in Didactic Sequence are: what is didactic Sequence, What is the Relationship between didactic Sequence and Method? , How can we Structure a Didactic Sequence? , what is the purpose. First Didactic Sequence are shaped by the order in which the activities are represents a teaching Hypothesis,  there are as many Didactic Sequence as a teacher can imagine so Didactic Sequence will very in length depending on difficulty of the issues raised, the learning objective and the logic of their treatment, examples: Didactic Sequence: teaching presentation (introduction) in classroom , content study by students , students  practice (individual or group) a lot of subjects next applying  similar tasks or exercises another Didactic Sequence are promotion or emergence of cognitive conflict ( solve a problem, make an application) activate prior knowledge (dialogical interrogation) representation of new contents, exhibition, modeling, group analysis, Question, answer, ela


He gave teaching Honors Biology, Genetics, which is a second year biology elective for juniors and seniors, and a Science Research course in which juniors and seniors are able to work in research labs just a few miles away at Purdue University, so he use the constructivist learning theory.  He  will describe the instructional methods employed in each of these three courses. This student choice takes into consideration differences in learning styles and increases student motivation the kids love having the choices, he mentioned that use the technology, Many of the activities in each unit can be done in small, self-selected groups of 2 to 5 students.  So he suggests that students learn 10%   what they read, 20%   what they hear, 30%   what they see, 50%  what they see and hear, 70%    what they discuss with others, 80%  what they experience personally, and 95%   what they teach to others. Also he mentioned about as the students work through the computer tutorials they fill o