The most important aspect for develop or write an
essay about the advantages of using the bloom Taxonomy in designing lesson
plans to teach an EFL setting are: Select
Competency and elaborate a learning objective for that competency, Identify
knowledge, skills and attitudes that are related to the Competency, Methods and
Techniques. First write an essay
about the advantages of using the bloom Taxonomy in designing lesson plans to
teach an EFL setting step 1 Define an
Essay, Type of Essay Structure of an argumentative essay, Planning the writing
of the argumentative essay, write the first draft of the essay, proofread, step
2 Define Bloom Taxonomy, Understand Cognitive process (Six level), Verb to use
for the six levels of cognitive process, step 3 characteristics of EFL setting,
Introduction of Methods and approaches EFL, step 4 Lesson Plan Structure for
EFL setting, sequence f activities for EFL lesson plan, Designing a lesson plan
for EFL setting, Advantages and disadvantages of using Bloom Taxonomy in EFL
setting. Second Select Competency
and elaborate a learning objective for that competency, which must be developed
or acquired by students of the Computer science degree, a- Competency Interpret
text in English, as well as an understanding of technical English used in your
profession, b- General Objective to solve in small groups, where you need to interpret texts in English
to resolve cases, presenting oral and written report in an established format,
Indicators to resolve and report on case studies, interpretation of texts
English, effective oral communication, Work cooperatively, Identify advantages
and disadvantages of operating system. Third
Identify knowledge, skills and attitudes that are related to the Competency,
Knowledge examples: technical vocabulary for Computer science. Types of texts
in English, strategies of in interpretation of texts in English, Skills use of
technical dictionary, production and interpretation of texts, application of
reading strategies, operating system comparison, Attitudes Cooperative work in
small teams, fourth Methods and Techniques Activities 1-
understanding and establishing differences between types of technical texts
in English time one hours class lecture
(direct teaching) working in small groups, to know strategies of interpretation
of texts in English time one hours class analysis of strategies through text
discussion or directed reading. Finally this
process for write an essay about the advantages of using the bloom Taxonomy in
designing lesson plans to teach an EFL setting,
Select Competency and elaborate a learning objective for that
competency, Identify knowledge, skills and attitudes that are related to the
Competency, Methods and Techniques, we help to development our knowledge in
particular research project.
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